Tuesday, 23 November 2010

can't get no satisfaction.

so my morning of searching and achieving was a little bit of anti-climax. my trip to hobby craft did not find me the wool i wanted... it was all sold out. then i thought, well i could always buy that crochet book i've been after. so for about ten minutes i took apart the book/magazine area trying in vain to find it. of course it wasn't there. the thought of asking some smug 18 year old sales assistant if it was out the back did not appeal to me but oh.... my dear mother, no she thought it was the best idea in the world. so the smug 18 year old sales assistant with uber floppy hair told us if it wasn't there on the shelf it wouldn't be out the back but insisted that if he went through the same ten minute search that i had just endured as he was more likely to find it (probably with the power of his floppy hair). ten minutes later and a very impatient me managed to get the smug floppy haired one to stop searching in vain for a book that had evidently been sold out and to stop holding me up from storming back to my car with steam fuming out my ears with frustration.

then i went to the university of southampton's lovely hartley library to get my sconul access card and also get out a book i have been searching high and low for all over the place. found the book... hallelujah! so then my only task was to go and see the nice lady at the desk for my sconul card. this was straight forward enough but then... shock horror... she informed me that i couldn't take out the book that i had so needed for sooooooooo long. it was a one week loan and sconul access only entitled me to three week loan books. cue a massive sigh and a shrug of the shoulders from me... then a a barrage of muttering to myself all the way from the snazzy library turnstiles back to the car.

then i had to take my mother to the range. if you have ever had the pleasure (and i use this word with much emphasised sarcasm) of doing this then you will know how the urge to rip out my own eyeballs was rather pressing. i like the range as much as the next person for about twenty minutes to half an hour tops but AN HOUR AND A HALF with an indecisive mother is enough to try anyone's patience. fortunately i am used to being exuding an air of patience as part of my part-time job is teaching 90 year olds how to control a mouse so my mother was blissfully unaware of my frustration. how lovely.

so back home, i get to eat some homemade soup for lunch and now i am working happily away on some bits and bobs. still need that book though... if anyone knows of any online source i can get the time of the tribes by michel maffesoli then please give me a heads up. i will be eternally grateful.

right... back to cv tweaking and singing along (badly) to roxy music.

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